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Years 3 and 4 - Autumn Term 2023

Our Autumn Term learning will be shared on this page. Please visit regularly to keep up to date with all that we've been learning.
Obviously, the children may have mixed emotions about returning to school but rest assured, we will do our very best to make sure they settle quickly and make the most of the learning opportunities we have planned for them.
On this page you will find photographs and helpful information regarding our learning, as well as ideas of how to support at home. Successful learning is built on good home / school communication and so if you have any questions or would just like some reassurance over your child and their school journey, please get in touch either through ClassDojo or via emailing me.
Class Gallery
Autumn Newsletter
Please click on the link below to view our Autumn Newsletter.
Learning This Term
Please click on the links below to view learning opportunities for this term.
Useful Links for Adventurers Class 
Read Write Inc Spellings click here
Suggested Reading List for yr 3/4 click here
Times Table practise click here
AR Book finder click here
Google Classroom click here