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School Times and Term Dates

We believe, and all research supports, the fact that children do best when they have high attendance and arrive promptly for school. We do all we can to support attendance and punctuality and the office staff and PSA are always available to discuss any support you may need. We provide a breakfast club from 7:30am.  In a typical week, the school is open for a total of 33 hours. 
The school gates open at 8:30am. The children come into school from 8:45am. Parents of Foundation and KS1 are expected to stay with their children until the school doors open. We have a soft start with the register closing at 8:50.  
School finishes at 3:10pm for the foundation class and 3.15pm for all other children.
You will find our term dates below. We follow advice from Plymouth Local Authority on identifying absence - this includes how we deal with requests for holidays during term time. Click here for more information or speak to our office staff.