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Years 1 and 2 Autumn Term 2024

Welcome back 
As always we are excited to welcome the children back into school and we are looking forward to the year ahead. Year 1's will be exploring lines and patters, learning about microhabitats and how toys have changed over the years. Year 2's will be learning about mark making, minibeasts and personal timelines.  There will be lots of reading, lots of writing and a lot of maths.  Full details of what we are learning this year can be found on the long term and medium term plans. 
Key Dates:
Y2 Open Wide Step Inside Dental Visit- 14.11.23
Y1 Library Visit- 11.12.23
Y2 Library Visit- 18.11.23
Christmas Dinner Day- 14.12.23
Christmas Carol Concert- 15.12.23
Christmas Movie Night- 18.12.23
Below you will find the spellings that the Y2 WCGR group will be learning throughout the Autumn Term.