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Years 1 & 2

Miss Toms (Y1) and Miss Galloghly (Y2) welcome you to Year 1/2.
With the help of Mrs Holloway and Miss Kirk. 
Miss K Toms

Y1 teacher

Miss J Galloghly

Y2 teacher

Key Dates:
27th February-Skip 2 B Fit P.E. Event
7th March- World Book Day
Children will be coming home with a Phonics book (these are pitched to their level and reading abilities based on the groups they work in everyday, these are the ones labelled under Read Write Inc Phonics) in addition to this, the children will also bring a reading for pleasure book home. This is any book your child has chosen from our library area that they will most likely need your support in reading as it isn’t necessarily linked to their reading ability. 

Home Learning

Each week children will be expected to:

Read at least 3 times each week
*Learn weekly spellings - children will bring home a spelling grid each half term containing all of the spelling words required for each half-term
*Practice times tables - 2s, 5s and 10s
*Complete a maths activity based on what they have learned that week.
General Information 

Book Bag (named): 
All children require a book bag which they will need to bring everyday.

Fruit Snack: The children will have the opportunity to choose a piece of fruit every day for their morning playtime snack.

Water bottle: Children need to bring in a named water bottle where they can have a drink of water throughout the day. 


We do P.E every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Your child should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days

Important Information
*Please make sure that your child arrives promptly for school. Children can arrive from 08:30am but should be in class by 08:45am. Learning starts at 08:50am

*Please collect your child promptly at 15:15pm from the playground by the main entrance.
*Reading folders must be in school every day.

Please listen to your child read as often as you can and make a comment in their reading diary  The children need to read the same book 3 times and then it will be changed. Please support your child by providing some quiet time to read every day and record their achievements in the reading diary.
Don't forget that ClassDojo is our primary way of sharing the class' learning.
To login, please click here. If you require any assistance with this, please get in touch.
Please see both Year 1's and Year 2's long term plans below to see what we will be learning throughout the year.