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Diocesan Canonical Inspection Report

A Diocesan Canonical Inspection (DCI, section 48) enable the Church to assess systematically the work of Catholic schools. They also provide an opportunity to support, challenge, evaluate and promote this vital work in the mission of the Church.

The purpose of inspection is to assist the school in its continuing work of self-evaluation through the identification of particular strengths, of areas requiring further improvement, and of progress made since the last inspection.
Inspectors make judgments on three key areas:

Catholic Life

- The extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic life of the school

- The quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the School

- How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision of the Catholic Life of the School

Religious Education

- How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning

- The quality of teaching, learning and assessment

- How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for Religious Education

Collective Worship

- How pupils’ respond to and participate in the schools’ CW

- The quality of provision

- How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for Religious Education

Inspectors will use a four point scale to make all judgments: Grade 1: Outstanding, Grade 2: Good, Grade 3: Requires Improvement, Grade 4: Inadequate. 
For our latest inspection report (November 2021) please click on the link below: