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Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is allocated to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

The Pupil Premium is allocated to children who are currently known to be eligible for FSM in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months.

School leaders are all aware of the gaps in attainment and progress between their Pupil Premium pupils and the remainder of each cohort, and have been involved in analysing these gaps for different groups, years and subjects. They are confident that they have accurately identified needs, tracked the progress of Pupil Premium pupils and monitored the spending of the Pupil Premium grant.

  • Every teacher knows which of their pupils are eligible for the Pupil Premium and what is expected of them.
  • Pupil progress meetings (usually termly or half-termly) informed by data, involve all key staff. 
  • Governors have an understanding and influence as to how and why the funding is being allocated at a strategic level, and what impact it is having.
  • The use of pupil voice before and immediately following interventions in order to measure pupils’ perception of impact.
  • Learning walks and work scrutiny to ensure that Pupil Premium students are receiving and gaining from all the necessary support through teaching, learning support and feed-back.
  • Strong leadership of the Pupil Premium is resolute. It is characterised by the active engagement of senior leaders, the extent to which they are accountable for the quality and impact of interventions, and their underpinning belief in moral purpose which seeks to create successful learners from all backgrounds. All staff have high expectations of all children.