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Welcome to Years 3 and 4

Mr T Driscoll

Class Teacher

Thank you for taking the time to visit our page. Please check our class pages regularly for updates of what we have been learning in class and the curriculum being taught. You will also find copies of letter sent home, home learning links and photos of our lessons. 

PE kits will need to be worn to school on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Please ensure that the children wear the school PE kit: white t-shirt, black shorts / leggings. I recommend that the children wear trainers as these will be more comfortable for the duration of the day but please do not allow your child to wear trainers that they feel are too expensive for them to exercise in.
Please ensure that all school clothing is washed on a regular basis and shoes are cleaned where possible.

Swimming: Our year 3 children will be taking part in swimming lessons in the summer term. Please see the letter below for further information.
Our Learning This Year
Please click on the link below to see our learning this year.
Key Dates
15.04 - Term Begins
15.04 - 03.05 - Year 3 Swimming (Every morning)
28.04 - School's Challenge (Half Marathon)
06.05 - Bank Holiday
07.05 - 10.05 - Bikeability
18.05 - First Holy Communion Mass
24.05 - Term Ends
Home Learning
In Years 3 and 4, there is an expectation that the children will read at home four times each week and have this recorded in their reading record. If a child forgets their book or finishes a book quickly, we encourage them to find another piece or text that they can read at home in addition to the school book. This can be anything from a gaming magazine, to a sporting review to a recipe book!
In addition to reading, your child will be given a weekly piece of spelling and maths homework. Please return this to school for a chance to win a termly home learning prize!
Finally, becoming fluent in their times tables knowledge is very important at this stage of the children's learning. Please encourage them to regularly visit Times Tables Rock Stars
If your child needs support at any stage, please encourage them to speak to me.