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Why is PSHE / RHE important?
The world is a constantly evolving environment and can be a challenge to navigate. Through the teaching of our PSHE / RHE programme, we look to instill in our children the core British Values that will allow them to become upstanding members of society, making positive contributions to God's creation. 
Our daily school life is rooted in opportunities for every individual to improve themselves. We celebrate British Values through the Gospel Virtues; recognising and encouraging all children's accomplishments to improve themselves or the world in which we live.
When is PSHE / RHE taught?
PSHE and RHE form part of our of weekly timetable as well as featuring in our thematic lessons. We also highlight the subject through a variety of themed days (e.g. Safer Internet Day, World Water Day, Anti-Bullying Week) and hold weekly PSHE based assemblies. 
How is PSHE / RHE taught?
PSHE and RHE are taught on a two year cycle.
PSHE is taught through a combination of subject knowledge and development of specific skills and competencies. Learning takes place mainly inside the classroom.
RHE is taught through a Diocesan approved scheme - Live Life to the Full. The content is again delivered through a combination of subject knowledge and development of specific skills and competencies. Learning takes place mainly inside the classroom.
What do we learn about in PSHE / RHE?
We learn about the following: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.
PSHE / RHE Overview
PSHE / RHE Intent