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Year 5 and 6 Spring Term 2025

Happy New Year!
I am very excited for the Spring Term.  This term we will be learning about forces and living things and their habitats in science and the Maya civilisation in History. As always, we will be reading lots of texts together to extend our learning and simply because we love to read. We will be taking part in several PE based activities, visiting the library and there will be Widening Horizons visits for our year 5 children. 
Key dates
Monday 6th January - back to school
Wednesday 8th January - Chris Lubbe visit at St Joseph's
Wednesday 22nd January - Widening Horizons trip to Morgan Sindall
Friday 14th February - last day of term
Tuesday 25th February - back to school 
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Friday 4th April - last day of term
Medium Term plans
Please see our medium term plans to see what we will be learning during the Spring Term. 
Below you will find the spellings that the children will be learning throughout the Spring Term. Children will bring home a booklet at the start of each term to help them practice their spellings and they will be shared on Google Classroom. 
Useful links to support our learning this term: