Welcome to the final term of the 2023/24 school year.
There are lots of exciting events happening throughout our Summer term!
As always, there will be lots of reading, RE and maths.
This term, year 1 will be looking at different explorers and how they made history. We will be sharing the same unit as the year 2's for science, looking at plant growth. We will be getting creative, attempting some weaving and making patterns during our art topic this term. To finish off with their English work, we will be looking at seaside poems, working towards producing our own poems at the end of the unit.
This term, Year 2 will be making comparisons between Plymouth and Uganda as part of their geography unit. In science, they will be exploring all about plant growth. In history, Year 2 will learn about the Mayflower and its significance to our local area.
Key dates:
Monday 15th April- Back to school
Monday 6th May- Bank holiday (school closed)
Friday 24th May- Last day of school
Tuesday 4th June- Back to school
Friday 7th June -Y2 Library Visit
Monday 10th June- Drakes Circus Young Readers Programme Visit
17th June- Sports Week
19th June- Y1/2 Skiing Trip
24th June- Wrong Trousers Charity Day
Friday 19th July- Last day of school
Medium Term plans
Please see our medium term plans below to see what we will be learning during the Summer terms.