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Years 3 and 4 - Summer Term 2024


Our Summer Term learning will be shared on this page. Please visit regularly to keep up to date with all that we've been learning.

On this page you will find photographs and helpful information regarding our learning, as well as ideas of how to support at home. Successful learning is built on good home / school communication and so if you have any questions or would just like some reassurance over your child and their school journey, please get in touch either through ClassDojo or via emailing me. 
Class Gallery
Learning This Term
Please click on the links below to view learning opportunities for this term.
Home Learning Ideas
There are lots of amazing resources out there to help with your learning away from the classroom. Click on the links below to explore some.
The 2024 Multiplication Tables Check
This term the children in year 4 are required to complete a multiplication check. 
The multiplication check is an online test in which pupils are required to answer 25 times tables questions.  These questions will check their fact knowledge from the 2 times tables up to the 12 times tables and they will have 6 seconds to answer each question. 
The best way for them to be successful is to practice, practice, practice.  All children have logins for TTRockstars which they can access in school and at home.