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Admission requests are managed by Plymouth School Admissions. Application Forms can be accessed by visiting Plymouth Admissions Website 

Our Planned Admissions Number (PAN) is 17. 

There is an additional supplementary form which needs to be completed and returned to the school if you wish to gain admission to any of the six Catholic Primary Schools in Plymouth including The Cathedral School of St Mary. 

The timetable of admission will be in accordance with the Plymouth LA timetable. 

Where a Catholic Primary school is over-subscribed, the Governing Body will apply the admission criteria listed in our Admissions Policy, in order of priority.

Tie-breaker priority will be given to the child in this criteria order.

If this produces a tie, priority will be determined as the child who lives the nearest to the school - the shortest distance measured by a straight line on the map.

You are invited to indicate with a cross the criteria level which applies to your child's application and present the requested evidence together with this form to the Catholic school of your choice.  Please follow the link below.